Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I recently finished THE YEAR OF LIVING BIBLICALLY by A.J.Jacobs. Jacobs decides to spend a year following all the rules and commandments in the bibles(Jewish and christian or old testament and new) no matter how strange or inexplicable. He is an agnostics and he explores whether this will bring him closer to a spiritual side. Firstly I will say that he is an excellent writer. I really enjoyed the flow of his writing. The Year is recorded in a diary type style which serves nicely to break up the stories by Biblical text as well as subject. I don't think I could undertake a task like this myself. He clearly has some OCD issues which he admits to in the text. But it does provide a understanding of some of the more obscure rules and maybe just gives you a different perspective with which to view religion.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I have just finished the book TESTIMONY by Anita Shreve. This is truly an excellent read. I find the writing style a little different because it is written like the title claim almost like the characters in the book are relating their testimony to you. The surprise like ending to the story didn't come as to much of a surprise to me but seeing it coming didn't take anything away from the story. I like the fact that the story unfolds from all angles and it's not about blame. In the end who was right and who was wrong doesn't matter because what happened happened. I think that is often how reality unfolds so it just makes the story easier to understand. I have read several of Anita Shreve's books but I think this is one of her best yet. I will recommend it to my friends.