Monday, September 14, 2009


I was going over my bookshelf this weekend and made a list. I now own 114 unread books. That is not mentioning the 4 books that came into the post office today and are now in the car so I guess I own 118 I have read 34 books this year so far but have bought 58. Of the 58 I have read 18 the rest I already had. I'm not sure if I am making progress or not. I have been swapping books recently on paperbackswap which is a great site in my opinion and an easy way to trade off some books for credits. I have tried to keep track of the prices of the books I have bought but I didn't have the guts this weekend to find a total. I do know that a lot of the books on the list were bought used or swapped for free. I'm pretty sure that my overall total is going to rise soon because I have several books on the way as we speak. name is Kathy.... and I am an addict.... If only we could get a support group together. Not only would a group provide moral support it could also triple as a book club and swap meet. Keep reading and I will do the same. I accept that I will never be one of those people to own or borrow one book at a time. There are just to many books and not nearly enough time.

1 comment:

  1. There are definitely worse things to be addicted to than books!! (Spoken like a true addict).

    Check out my list of books I want to read on my blog. Do you have any of them? If you've already read them and you want to get rid of them, I might be interested in buying them from you!
